The End of the realm

The End of the realm

October 8, 2022
Dario Zhang
The End of the realm floats above the land, a temple of nothingness, whose apostles need to hunt down all the gods of other worlds.
Using a collegiate system, the Court of God breaks down the goal of hunting gods into individual research projects, which are claimed by each school and allocated an annual budget according to their achievement. The end-of-the-world is a place where scholarly pursuits meet with the raw power of magic.
The End of the world has no true name, as there are no names for things that don't exist. It floats over the lands like a cloud, and it's said that if you look directly at it your eyes will melt away. In this place, people go about their lives without ever knowing what lies beyond the clouds.
However, they do know one thing—there is a god who rules over the land. This god is known only as the End of the World's Apostle, and he is responsible for the creation of all living creatures on earth. He also created the academy, and all those who attend it are his disciples.
The End of the world is a place where scholars come together to study magic. The school is divided into three factions: academics, acolytes, and sorcerers.
Academics: A faction composed of scholars from various schools who have been accepted into the Court of God's ranks. They use their knowledge to create spells that can be used in combat.
Acolytes: A faction composed of students at the academy. Their purpose is to study the history of magic and its application for practical purposes.
Sorcerers: A faction composed of sorcerers who were once part of the Academy but have since left it or joined another school. They use their knowledge of magic to fight demons.
Each group studies different aspects of magic. Academics focus on the history of magic, while acolytes study the application of magic to everyday life. And sorcerers learn how to use magic in battle. These three groups work together to achieve their goals.
Academy students are given a set number of points to distribute among their classes. If they fail to make the minimum number of points required for graduation, they must repeat the year. Students may choose to take additional classes outside of their major field of study, though these courses require more points than regular classes.
Students are free to join any clubs or organizations within the academy. Clubs range from athletic teams to academic societies. There is even a club dedicated to training pets!
Every student attends class every day except for Saturday and Sunday. On Saturdays, students gather in the courtyard to practice their magic. On Sundays, they visit the church to pray.
All students must pay a tuition fee to cover the cost of food and housing. Those who live off campus are charged an extra fee per month.
Students who wish to leave the academy must request permission from the headmaster. Once they receive it, they must submit a letter explaining why they want to withdraw.
Academy students have access to a wide variety of facilities. Some of them include libraries, classrooms, laboratories, and dormitories. Each building houses a different type of facility, so students can pick and choose which ones best suit their needs.
The academy is divided into three main buildings, each of which is home to a specific group of students. The first building is called the School of Magic. Here, students learn the fundamentals of magic and study the history of magic.
The second building is called the School of Acrobatics. Here, students train to become acrobats and perform in front of crowds.
The third building is called the School of Alchemy. Here, students study alchemy and its applications in everyday life.
There are many ways to earn points. For example, some classes are worth double the points of others. Others offer bonus points for completing assignments early. Students should carefully consider their options before choosing a course load.
In addition to classes, students must complete their daily chores. Every student has a job that they must fulfill. Jobs vary from person to person, but they generally involve cleaning up after yourself and helping out around the academy.
Students are not allowed to leave the academy grounds without permission. Even then, they must wear a special bracelet that allows them to travel freely throughout the city.
The End of the world is a vast area filled with forests, mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, and seas. It is inhabited by all sorts of creatures, both good and evil.
The End of the world is ruled by the End of the world Apostle. His name is unknown, and he never shows himself to anyone. But he does occasionally grant favors to those who help him.
The End of the world Apostle created all living creatures on earth, including humans. He also created the academy. To this day, he remains the only one who knows the truth behind the academy's creation.
The End of the world Apostle created the academy to provide a safe haven for people of all races.